I’m Dr. Sheila Davis, Licensed Psychotherapist and the founder of Loving Me First™.
I am the Self-Love Coach for Women.

Going through a breakup or divorce is no joke. The loneliness, overthinking, and constant emotional ups and downs—from hurt and pain to anger and confusion—can be overwhelming.

You have to face the embarrassment of a broken relationship, answer endless questions from others, and explain “What happened?” If it’s not other people asking, it’s the nagging questions in your own head: “What did I do to deserve this?” “Why is this happening to me?” “How am I going to get back on my feet?”

I’ve been through divorce and dealt with narcissistic and manipulative partners. I know how hard it is to pick up the pieces after heartbreak.
My unique approach combines my personal healing journey, my experience as a Licensed Psychotherapist, and my expertise as a Self-Love Coach.
I put in the work! I’m passionate about helping women learn to love themselves as the foundation for healing after heartbreak and gaining the tools to bounce back.
The Loving Me First™ program is built on a proven framework and guided by a trained professional who has helped many clients thrive after broken relationships.
I’ve worked with women from all walks of life and with various traumatic experiences, from childhood to adulthood. These women range from executive moms at home to executives in the boardroom, from students to doctors, from singles to married. Heartbreak is universal.
I’ve helped women with all types of attachment styles, using the science of attachment trauma theory to help clients understand themselves better and become the best versions of themselves.

Are you ready to truly heal?
Say goodbye to heartbreak and join me in saying,

Dr. Sheila Davis, LMHC, NCC